Lavender House Health & Beauty Blog

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Our specialist beauty therapists at Lavender House Day Spa are dedicated to your wellbeing. We have lots of beauty knowledge and experiences to share and our Lavender Blog has been designed to keep you upto date with special hints and tips on how to best care for your body and mind whilst making sure you’re well informed on interesting and topical skin and beauty matters.

Whether we’re talking about our favourite Caudalie products or we’re focusing on how to manage your complexion, the benefits of regular massage and facials or we’re helping you decide on the perfect pre-holiday treatments be assured that we’re committed to ensuring that we give all our guests access to help, guidance and expert advice on all things beauty.

Book Your Guilt Free Back to School Massage...

The 10 Totally Legit Reasons Why You Need To Book Your Next Massage


So you’ve been waiting for an excuse for a guilt free luxury massage at Lavender House?

Forget the excuse…’s a whole list of reasons why you need to pick up the phone and check yourself into Lavender House Spa for a deluxe massage treatment! If you’re craving a little me-time as you settle back into the September routine, you’re certainly not alone and Lavender House are well prepared with a list of indulgent treatments for you to choose from.

So what are the benefits of a professional massage?


Stressed...we hear you? Whether it’s caused by everyday life or you need to relax before you head out on a date, to an interview, or a special event, a massage really will reduce tension in your mind and body.


It’s proven that on average, massage increases your levels of serotonin (a neurotransmitter linked to happiness) by 28 percent and dopamine (a neurotransmitter involved in motivation, arousal, and reward) by 31 percent. Combined, this boost should pretty much make your day…..maybe even your week super happy!


Yes, you read that right. If you go into a workout with soreness, your tight muscles create resistance that makes your limbs feel heavier. A good massage can release the tension and get the blood flowing.


Massage encourages healthy circulation. Our body constantly pumps blood to and from the heart to carry oxygen to your tissues and sweep away cellular waste products.



Massage therapy will help to improve the posture of the individual. Slow movement of hands over the affected part is bound to reduce the pain and improve the posture by many notches.


All this talk of relaxation and there’s one thing for certain….massage is known to improve sleep and the quality of how you sleep. Research has shown that the chemistry of sleep is relevant to massage therapy because massage can directly influence the body's production of serotonin and the creation of melatonin. [ Did you know that melatonin is a sleep-inducing hormone which increases with the darkness of the night]

One hour of massage provides the body with benefits that are equivalent to a power nap

Want to browse our Massage Treatments? Here you go >>>>>> Lavender House Massage

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